League Play
League play is a hallmark of the golfing community. The friends, the competition, and the fun are all aspects of enjoying the sport of golf, and Ouleout Creek hosts a number of leagues that tailor to a variety of skill levels. Take a look at our leagues below, and get in touch with us if you're interested in joining!
The 2025 League Meeting is Monday, March 24th, at 6:00 PM in the clubhouse. Come join us!
Twilight League
The Men's Twilight League plays every Thursday evening. For more information on joining, please contact our clubhouse at (607) 829-2100.
Monday Morning Mixed Scramble
Our Mixed Scramble is played on Monday Mornings at 9 AM. Weekly attendance is not necessary; please contact our clubhouse at (607) 829-2100 for more information on this league.
Two Man Captain & Mate
Floating League
Ouleout Golf is excited to announce a novel format for a League Play. The league will be a two-man captain and mate league (2 flights, numbers permitting) that runs from mid-April to the end of September for cash prizes and other raffles!
- Participants may play their 9 holes anytime between Monday and Sunday.
- Points will be awarded on individual holes scored: 1 point for Bogey, 2 points for Par, 3 points for Birdie, 4 points for Eagle, 5 points for Double Eagle.
- Teams may play alone at their convenience.
- To be eligible for the September tournament, teams must not miss more than 4 weeks thru the season. Subs are allowed, but teams must play the tournament with the 2 players that started the league and must play at least 75% of the matches together. If this criteria is not met, they will be unable to play in the September Tournament.
- Please call for tee times to make sure the course is open and able to accommodate your request.
- Inclement weather is NOT an excuse to miss a week. Each team has 7 days; it is up to the league members to choose their playing conditions. (Don’t wait until Sunday afternoon if the weather is uncertain.)
- No Skins or Pin Shots. 70 and over can play the gold tees.
- League fee ($65) due by end of Week 5 to ensure a spot in the year-end tournament.
- Top 50% of field receives year-end payout.
Last year we had 18 teams participate and a total of $2,100 was accumulated throughout the season for the tournament! If you are interested in joining the league, please call the clubhouse at (607) 829-2100.